September 7-10, 2017 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Annual congress of the International Society of Oncology and Biomarkers (ISOBM) was one of the most important events this year in the field of oncological biomarkers. The subtitle of the congress was „Biomarkers in oncology: new horizon and challenges in diagnosis and treatment“. Six scientists from University Hospital Pilsen presented their research and clinical results.
In the first session: Personalised Medicine in Oncology J. Kinkorová presented the new role and importance of biobanks in medical research and health care in her talk: Biobanks a Significant tool for research and patient ´s treatment . In session: Prostate Cancer – Updating the utility of PSA presented R. Kucera: PHI and prostate cancer – optimal management, O. Fiala described in Gastrointestinal Cancer session: Predictive role of KRAS station type in patiens with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with bevacizumab, and M. Pesta in session: Liquid Biopsy – Circulating Nucleic Acids, illustrated: miRNA patterns in colorectal cancer. Three posters were presented as well.
The congress gave the opportunity to link clinical and research oncologists to discuss new tools for diagnosis and monitoring of this disease. Prominent scientists in the field of cancer research and clinical oncology presented their research results and offered the unique opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge in an international forum.
Radek Kučera
Judita Kinkorová
Ondřej Fiala
Martin Pesta